Can I Add/Remove Items From My Order?

To request changes to your order, please reach out to us within 1 hour of placing your order at We'll do our best to assist you promptly.

Order changes can only be made if your order has not yet been prepared for shipping by our logistics team. We prioritize fast processing and shipping to ensure timely delivery of your order. Once our warehouse begins the shipping process, it's challenging to stop it. Therefore, please notify us of any changes as early as possible to facilitate a smooth transaction.

If we can stop your order before it ships, we'll be happy to accommodate any changes you wish to make, and you'll receive a partial refund if you choose to remove an item. If we can't intercept the shipment, don't worry! You can still return the item(s) you wished to remove to us in accordance with our Returns Policy, and receive a refund for those item(s).

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